A dog ran into a butcher shop and grabbed a roast.The butcher recognized the dog as belonging to a neighbor.The neighbor happened to be a lawyer.The butcher called up his neighbor and said, "Would you be liable for the cost of the meat?"

The lawyer replied,"Of course, how much was the roast?"

"$7.98," said the butcher.

A few days later the butcher received a check in the mail for $7.98.Attached to it was an invoice that read:Legal Consultation Service:$150.

푸줏간에 뛰어든 개가 고기 한 점을 채뜨려갔다. 어느 집 개인지 알 수 있었는데,주인은 변호사였다. 푸줏간 주인은 변호사 집에 전화를 걸었다. "댁에서 고기 값을 내야 하는 것 아닐까요?"

"물론 내드려야겠지요. 그게 얼마어치였죠?" 변호사가 물었다.

"7달러98센트요. "

며칠 지나 푸줏간엔 우편으로 7.98달러짜리 수표가 배달돼 왔는데 거기엔 150달러를 청구하는 송장이 동봉돼 왔다-'법률상담료'란다.