[못말리는 주식회사] 칼퇴근
기사 스크랩
-(It's time to leave work but I can't leave because of the boss.Is there any way to go through that door?
-I think,I can help you.I'll leave first and let me call you.Then,you pretend as if it were an urgent call and don't look at the boss' eyes.And you only have to leave the office.
-Oh,that's an brilliant idea.
-No problem.Let me get the phone.
-Hello,this is Inc.Leaving Work on Time! Thank you for patronizing our company.How can I help you?
▶ patronize 단골로 이용하다
만화=서기윤 '불량회사원의 낙원' 저자
번역=Shannon Kim 'Try again 토익단어장' 저자