[못말리는 주식회사] 세금
기사 스크랩
-With this monthly account,I think,too much tax was imposed.
▶impose 부과하다
-Isn’t there any way to cut down?
▶cut down 줄이다,경감시키다
-Well,there’s a good way to avoid paying taxes,not just cutting down.
-What is it?
-This is the way.You can register our company as a new religious group and you,our president will be the highest priest of the group.
만화;서기윤 ‘불량회사원의 낙원’ 저자
번역;Shannon Kim ‘Try again 토익단어장’ 저자
▶impose 부과하다
-Isn’t there any way to cut down?
▶cut down 줄이다,경감시키다
-Well,there’s a good way to avoid paying taxes,not just cutting down.
-What is it?
-This is the way.You can register our company as a new religious group and you,our president will be the highest priest of the group.
만화;서기윤 ‘불량회사원의 낙원’ 저자
번역;Shannon Kim ‘Try again 토익단어장’ 저자