* 문항별 배점은 120점 만점을 기준으로 하였습니다. 과목당 배점이
이와 다른 경우에는 채점 후 모집 요강에 공고한 기준에 따라 환산

I. 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하라.

1. 문맥에 맞게 주어진 글자로 시작하는 영어 낱말 하나를 쓰라. (4

If an extraterrestrial explorer were to land on the earth, what
is the first question it would ask? The alien would, I think,
inquire about the number and variety of living organisms on
this planet. Surprisingly, we humans cannot even approximately
answer the alien''s query. D__________ more than 250 years of
systematic research, estimates of the total number of plant,
animal and other species vary widely, all the way from three
million to 30 million or more.

2. 빈칸에 들어갈 영어 낱말 둘을 쓰라. (4점)

Myths, in our complex societies, are manifested in idioms
different from those in which they were expressed in the past
and in which they are still expressed in traditional societies.
The triumph of the small but clever one over the clumsy giant
may be told in a remote European village in the form of a
folktale or it can be found on television and cinema screens,
not to mention comic strips. It is also repeated in
advertisements of compact cars; like the clever little one, the
compact cars can beat the _____________ ________________.

3. 밑줄친 표현이 대중 (mass) 의 어떤 속성을 나타내는지 우리말
낱말 하나로쓰라. (4점)

We have witnessed the decline of the "folk" and the rise of the
"mass." The usually illiterate folk was creative in its own
special ways. Its characteristic products were the spoken word,
the gesture, the song: folklore, folk dance, folk song. The
folk expressed itself. But the mass, in our world of mass media
and mass circulation, is the target and not the arrow. The mass
is what others aim to reach. It is waiting to be shown and to
be told.

II. 다음을 읽고 밑줄친 낱말을 문맥에 맞게 알맞은 어형으로 바꿔
쓰라. (8점)

In general, one''s memories of any period must necessarily
(a)weak as one moves away from it. One is constantly learning
new facts, and old ones have to drop out to make way for them.
At twenty I could have written the history of my schooldays
with an accuracy which would be quite impossible now. But it
can also happen that one''s memories grow much (b)sharp after a
long lapse of time, because one is looking at the past with
fresh eyes and can isolate and, as it were, notice facts which
previously existed (c)differentiate among a mass of others.

III. 글 (B)가 글 (A)에 가장 가까운 내용이 되도록 빈칸에 주어진
글자로 시작하는 낱말을 하나씩 넣으라. (12점)


Posthumous fame is too odd a thing to be blamed upon the
blindness of the world. Nor can it be said that it is the
bitter reward of those who were ahead of their time. On the
contrary, posthumous fame is usually preceded by the highest
recognition among one''s peers. When Kafka died in 1924, his few
published books had not sold more than a couple of hundred
copies, but his literary friends and the few readers who had
almost accidentally stumbled on the short prose pieces knew
beyond doubt that he was one of the masters of modern prose.


If a great writer dies without due (r________) and achieves
fame after his death, people often (b_________) the world for
its blindness. Others may argue that the writer failed to be
recognized because he was born (b________) his time. But a
writer who is (w_________) of posthumous fame is rarely, if
(e______), completely neglected in his life time. Kafka, for
example, was known only to a (s_______) number of friends and
chance readers, but those who read him were assured of his
greatness as a writer.

IV. 다음을 읽고 주어진 낱말을 문맥에 맞게 배열하여 빈칸을 채우
라. (6점)

Wisdom does not burst forth fully developed like Athena out of
Zeus''s head'' it is built up, small step by small step, from
most irrational beginnings. Only in adulthood can an
intelligent understanding of the meaning of one''s existence in
this world be gained from one''s experiences in it.
Unfortunately, ___________________ as their own do -- as if
mature understanding of ourselves and the world, and our ideas
about the meaning of life, did not have to develop as slowly as
our bodies.

(children''s, function, many, minds, parents, their, to, too,

V. 다음을 읽고 물음에 우리말로 답하라.

1. 다음 글의 요지를 제시된 어구로 시작하여 50자 이내로 쓰라. (7

Culture hides much more than it reveals, and strangely enough
what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own
participants. Years of study has convinced me that all that one
ever gets from studying foreign culture is a token
understanding. The ultimate reason for such study is to learn
more about how one''s own system works. The best reason for
exposing oneself to foreign ways is to generate a sense of
contrast and difference.

외국 문화를 연구하는 이유는 ______________________________.

2. 밑줄친 부분은 Marie가 무엇을 깨달았음을 나타내는지 40자 이내
로 쓰라. (6점)

When our oldest child, Marie, met her first baby sister, it
took her only five minutes to discover that the level of
service to which she had been accustomed had fallen off a
cliff. I was holding newborn Sally when Marie, then 3, demanded
a drink of water. My reply, "In a minute," caused her to
declare, "Nobody will ever pay attention to me!" Our months of
telling her about the joys of big-sisterhood had been knocked
flat by my three little words.

VI. 글 (A) 와 글 (B)를 읽고 물음에 답하라.

If somebody says to me, "I''ll ring you up," he''s taking too much for
granted. He is proposing to attempt (a) the impossible. So I have to
say, "I''m afraid you can''t. You see, I don''t have a telephone."
The usual reaction is astonishment: "How terribly inconvenient! How
can you(b)______ a telephone?" I find myself being stared at as an
eccentric, especially when somebody adds, "You can ring me up the,"
and I reply, "Perhaps, but I''m more likely to write to you."
I don''t have a telephone not only because I find it unnecessary but
also because I find it inconvenient. It may create unnecessary
suspense and anxiety, as for example when you wait for an expected
call that doesn''t come; or irritating delay, when you keep ringing a
number that is always engaged.

When I was young,m it didn''t disturb me that the radio took five
minutes to warm up. Nor was I particularly bothered that I had to talk
to an operator to place a telephone call. I don''t recall feeling
annoyed that a flight from New York to Europe took 22 hours. I believe
that I was perfectly satisfied with my black-and-white TV, my dial
telephone, and even my electric typewriter.
Today, though, I''m (c)l_____ tolerant. I can''t stand it when the
remote controller gets buried under a pile of papers on my desk, and I
have to get out of my chair to turn on the television. I can''t stand
it when my flight to Los Angeles is delayed by half an hour or when
the fax machine in my district office is busy. what I never dreamed of
yesterday, I can''t (d)____ _____ today.

1. (a)의 구체적인 뜻을 우리말 25자 이내로 풀이하라.(4점)

2. (b)와 (d)에 공통으로 들어 갈 두 낱말로 된 영어 어구를 쓰라.(3점)

3. 문맥에 맞게 (c)에 주어진 글자로 시작하는 영어 낱말 하나를

4. "Invention often seems to be the mother of necessity, not the other
way round."라는 말로 마무리할 수 있는 글은 (A),(B),(A)와(B) 셋중 어느
것인지 쓰라. (3점)

VII. 밑줄 친 부분을 우리말로 옮겨라.(12점)
All rulership has its original and its most legitimate source in
man''s wish to free himself from life''s necessity, and men achieved
such liberation by means of violence, by forcing others to bear the
burden of life for them. This was the core of slavery, and it is only
the rise of technology, and not the rise of modern political ideas,
which has refuted the old and terrible truth that only violence and
rule over others could make some men free.

VIII. 다음을 영어로 옮겨라.(10점)
(1) 사실을 말씀드리자면, 제게는 이른 바 고전(classics)이라고 하는 책들
이 읽기 힘듭니다.
(2) 고전을 어떻게 읽어야 하는지 몇 가지 조언을 해주시겠습니까?

IX. 다음을 일고 주어진 문장이 본문의 애용에 부합하면 T자를, 부합하지
않으면 F자를 답안지에 쓰라.(틀린 답을 쓸 경우 문항당 2점을 감점함. 단
이 문제(IX)의 접수 합계가 0점 이하일경우 0점으로 처리함.(8점)

When most people believed in an essentially static and unchanging
universe, the question of whether or not it had a beginning was really
one of metaphysics or theology. One could account for what was
observed equally well on the theory that the universe had existed
forever or on the theory that it was set in motion by God at some
finite time in such a manner as to look as though it had existed
forever. But in 1929, Edwin Hubble made the landmark observation that
wherever you look distant galaxies are moving rapidly away from us.
In other words, the universe is expanding. This means that at earlier
times objects would have been closer together. In fact, it seemed that
there was a time, about ten or twenty thousand million year ago, when
they were all at exactly the same place and when, therefore, the
density of the universe was infinite. This discovery finally brought
the question of the beginning of the universe into the realm of
Hubble''s observations suggested that there was a time, called the
big bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely
dense. Under such conditions all the laws of science, and therefore
all ability to predict the future, would break down. If there were
events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens
at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would
have no observational consequences. One may say that time had a
beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply
would not be defined. It should be emphasized that this beginning in
time is very different form those that had been considered previously.
In an unchanging universe a beginning in time is something that has to
be imposed by some being outside the universe; there is no physical
necessity for a beginning. One can imagine that God created the
universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the
universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to
be a beginning. One could still imagine that god created the universe
at the instant of the big bang, or even afterwards in just such a way
as to make it look as though there had been a big bang, but it would
be meaningless to suppose that it was created before the big bang. An
expanding universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place
limits on when he might have carried out his job.
* infinitesimally small : extremely small

1. Up to 1929, most people, whether they believed in God''s creation or
not, accepted the idea of unchanging universe.

2. If the universe is expanding, one may assume that there was a time
when objects were all at exactly the same place.

3. One may say that time started with the big bang, in the sense that
nothing could have happened before the universe began expanding.

4. it was after the discovery of the expanding universe that the
question of the beginning of the universe became a scientific inquiry.

5. The big bang theory denies the existence of God in that it places
limits on when he might have created the universe.

6. If there were events before the big bang, they must have an effect
on what happens now.

X. 다음을 읽고 물음에 완전한 영어 문장으로 답하라.

Mankind, ever since there have been civilized communities,
have been confronted with problems of two different kinds.
On the one hand there has been the problem of mastering
natural forces; mankind have tried to acquire the knowledge
and the skill required to produce tools and weapons and to
encourage nature in the production of useful animals and
plants. This problem, in the modern world, is dealt with by
science and scientific technique, and experience has shown
hat in order to deal with it adequately it is necessary to
train a large number of rather narrow specialists.

But there is a second problem, less precise, and by some
mistakenly regarded as unimportant -- I mean the problem of
how best to utilize our command over the forces of nature.
This includes such burning issues as democracy versus
dictatorship, capitalism versus socialism, free speculation
versus authoritarian dogma. On such issues the laboratory
can give no decisive guidance. The kind of knowledge that
gives most help in solving such problems is a wide survey of
human life as they appear in history.
The men who first tamed the horse employed it to make war
and enslave the defeated. When men discovered how to make
cotton goods by machinery, child labor in England was
developed to a point of shocking cruelty, and ruthless
imperialism was imposed on black men in Africa. In our own
day a combination of scientific genius and technical skill
has produced the atomic bomb, but having produced it we are
all terrified, and to not know what to do with it. These
instances, from widely different periods of history, show
that increase of skill has not, of itself, insured any
increase of human happiness or well-being.

1. What are the two problems that mankind have been
confronted with since the beginning of civilization? (5점)

2. How is the first problem dealt with in the modern world?

3. What kind of knowledge is most helpful in solving the
second problem? (3점)

4. What is the point that the writer is trying to make by
giving the historical examples in the third paragraph? (5점)