[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <41>- No pain, No gain!

현재형의 문장에서 단수 주어와 복수 주어는 다른 형태의 동사를 사용한다는 일반적인 문법을 잘 알고 있을 것이다.

쉽게 여겨지는 문법에서 작문의 오류가 발생된다면 큰 점수의 손실이 발생된다.초심의 마음으로 기본적인 것은 절대 실수하지 말도록 해야 한다.

▶ Rule 8 : 주어-동사의 일치에 집중하라.

1. 몇 개의 단어들에 의해 주어와 동사가 분리되었을 때:Incorrect : The joys of climbing mountains,especially if one is a novice climber without the proper equipment,escapes me.

Correct : The joys of climbing mountains,especially if one is a novice climber without the proper equipment,escape me

2. 만약 주어가 정해져 있지 않는 대명사로 시작될 때:Incorrect : A group of jockeys who have already finished the first race and who wish to have their pictures taken are blocking my view of the horses.

Correct : A group of jockeys who have already finished the first race and who wish o have their pictures taken is blocking my view of the horses.

3. 만약 주어가 한 개 이상의 명사로 구성될 때:Incorrect : Karl,who is expert in cooking Hunan spicy duck,and George,who is expert in eating Hunan spicy duck,has combined their expertise to start a new restaurant.

Correct : Karl,who is expert in cooking Hunan spicy duck,and George,who is expert in eating Hunan spicy duck,has combined their expertise to start a new restaurant.

▶ 필수 Idioms :

to stop by : Let's stop by the supermarket and pick up a few grocery items

to come across : Jeff's boss comes across as a tough,unpleasant person,but actually Jeff says that he is a good employer

to stand a chance : The New York baseball team stands a good chance of winning the World Series this year

to take pains : She takes pains to do everything well: she's our best employee

to look on : I stayed with my son at his first soccer practice and looked on as the coach worked with the boys

to look up to : Children will most certainly look up to their parents if the children are brought up well

to take off : The plane took off over an hour late. The passengers had to buckle their seatbelts during takeoff

to pull off : The motorist pulled off when the police officer turned on the red lights and the siren

to keep time : Although this is a cheap watch,it keeps good time


Wrong : We are supposed to read the chapter seven for homework.

Right : We are supposed to read chapter seven for homework.

Wrong : Pick up your boarding passes at gate the fifth.

Right : Pick up your boarding passes at gate five.

Wrong : Terminal first on your right is Pan American.

Right : The first terminal on your right is Pan American.

Wrong : We reviewed lesson the tenth in class today.

Right : We reviewed lesson ten in class today.

Wrong : The subway stop second is Broadway.

Right : The second subway stop is Broadway.

▶ Vocabs :

△ 내부의 (inner,interior,internal,inward)

△ 결백한 (innocent,blameless,guiltless,virginal,sinless,untainted)

△ 한결 같은 (invariable,constant,unchanging,uniform)

△ 명랑한 (jaunty,chipper,debonair,insouciant)

△ 즐거운 (joyous,ecstatic,happy,high,joyful,turned on)

△ 날카로운 (keen,acute,astute,penetrating,perspicacious,sharp,shrewd)

△ 호리호리한 (lanky,gangling,rangy,spindling,angular)

△ 커다란 (large,big,giant,gigantic,great,king-size,mammoth,outsize)

△ 합법적인 (lawful,constitutional,legal,legitimate,licit)

△ 관대한 (merciful,tolerant,permissive,lax,indulgent,lenient)

▶ English :

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

"Save it for rainy day." That's my motto.

When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank,I always put it in the bank.

I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education,travel,and unforeseen emergencies.

I need to have money set aside for these expenses.

Education is expensive.

I can't depend on my parents to pay all my bills.

I have tuition,room and board,books,and incidental expenses to pay for.

I'll try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs,but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses.

If I spend my money now,I won't be able to pay for my education.

I need to save money for my education.

Emergencies could arrive at any moment.

I might have an unexpected illness while Jam at school.

There might be costs that aren't covered by the school insurance.

One of my family members may need help.

I will have to send them money.

You can't predict emergencies like this,but you can be prepared.

I need to save money for these emergencies.

When you are not rich,you cannot spend your money carelessly.

You must plan ahead.

I know in my life,I will have expenses for my schooling and for travelling to and from my home.

I know that I will also have unexpected expenses related to unforeseen emergencies.

I must be prepared. I need to save money for these events.

▶ Korean :

"힘든 날을 위해 저축해라." 이 말은 나의 좌우명이다.

나에게 돈을 소비함과 은행에 저축하라는 것 둘 중에 선택을 하라면,언제든지 은행에 돈을 넣을 것이다.

내 미래에는 교육,여행 그리고 보이지 않는 응급상황 같은 곳에 많은 돈을 쓸 시간이 올 것이다.

이러한 경비를 위하여 돈을 모아둘 필요가 있다.

교육은 비싸다.

내 모든 청구서를 지불하기 위하여 부모에게 기댈 수는 없다.

등록금,기숙사 비용,책값 그리고 갑작스런 경비를 지불해야 하는 시간이 생긴다.

이러한 경비를 줄이기 위하여 장학금을 받으려고 노력할 것이지만,돈이 사용되는 많은 일들에 책임을 지게 될 것이라는 것을 안다.

만약 지금 돈을 써 버린다면,내 교육을 위하여 지불할 돈이 없을 것이다.

내 교육을 위하여 돈을 저축할 필요가 있다.

어떠한 순간이라도 응급상황이 발생할 수 있다.

학교에 다니는 동안 우연히 병에 걸릴 수가 있다.

학생 의료보험으로 비용을 다 지불할 수 없는 상황이 발생할 수 있다.

가족 중의 한 사람이 도움을 요청할 수도 있으며 난 돈을 보내주어야만 할 것이다.

미래에 어떠한 응급상황이 발생할지 알지는 못하지만,대비는 할 수 있는 것이다.

당신이 부자가 아니라면 헛되이 돈을 써서는 안 된다.

미리 계획을 세워야 한다.

내 인생에서 교육비,여행 경비 그리고 가족들을 위하여 돈을 쓸 것을 알고 있다.

그리고 또한 무슨 일이 발생할 줄 모르는 미래의 응급상황에 돈을 쓰게 될 것이다.

이러한 상황에 대비하여야만 한다.그러한 상황들에 대비하기 위하여 돈을 저축하여야 한다.

THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
