[한경에세이] 추기경의 선물
기사 스크랩
피터 야거 <한국노바티스 사장 peter.jager@novartis.com>
"고맙습니다. 서로 사랑하세요"란 말을 마지막으로 지난 2월16일 김수환 추기경이 세상을 떠났다. 그의 일생은 항상 관대하게 주는 삶이었다. 마지막 순간에도 그는 '생명의 선물'로 자신의 각막을 기증,두 사람의 시력을 회복하게 하고,우리 사회에 장기 기증의 중요성을 일깨워줬다.
지난해 12월,필자의 회사와 서울대병원 장기이식센터는 장기이식자-장기기증자 10명과 의료진,산악인이 함께 참여하는 히말라야 등정을 추진했다. 이들은 히말라야 등정 도전을 통해 한국 사회의 장기이식과 장기기증에 대한 편견의 벽을 허물고 싶어했다. 히말라야 등정은 건강한 사람에게도 쉽지 않기에,이번 원정은 세계적으로 유례없는 용감하고 위험한 도전이었다. 비록 일부 원정대원들은 베이스캠프로 귀환했지만,이들은 12월22일 아일랜드 피크 정상(6189m)에 깃발을 꽂았다. 원정대는 기증과 이식을 거쳤어도 충분히 건강한 삶을 영위할 수 있다는 것을 몸소 보여주었다. 실제로 동행했던 의료진조차 놀랄 만큼 장기 이식자와 기증자들은 정상인과 다를 바 없는 건강상태를 눈으로 확인시켜 주었다.
한국에는 지금 1만8000여명의 장기이식 대기자가 있다고 한다. 그 중 겨우 20%만 이식을 받고 있는데 그마저 평균 4년 이상 기다린 후에야 가능하다고 하니 그야말로 삶과 죽음 사이의 공포에 놓인 격이 아닐까. 필자가 나고 자란 네덜란드를 비롯 유럽에서는 한국보다 장기기증 절차가 간소하고 사회적으로 이해가 모아져 장기기증 비율이 높은 편이다. 때문에 유럽에서는 여러 해 전부터 장기이식자 수가 증가하고,이식 대기자 수가 감소하는 추세다. 그래서 필자도 한국의 장기기증 문화를 만들어가는 데 조금이나마 일조할 수 있다면 좋겠다고 생각해오던 중 지난 1월 장기기증 서약서에 서명했다.
최근 장기기증 서약자 수가 평소의 30배에 달하고,뇌사자 장기기증 간소화,장기이식 법률 개정 등의 논의가 활발하다. 여기에 김 추기경의 선종일인 2월16일을 장기기증의 날로 기념하기로 한 것은 무척 반가운 소식이다. 앞으로 장기기증의 날이 장기기증을 애타게 기다리는 환자들에게 희망의 등불을 비추는 날이 되기를 바라는 마음 간절하다. 더불어 장기기증에 대한 사회적 관심이 은근한 아랫목처럼 오래오래 타올랐으면 좋겠다. 한국 전통의 온돌방과 아랫목은 왠지 한국인이 지닌 열정과 저력의 뿌리인 것 같기 때문이다.
김 추기경이 마지막으로 남긴 "서로 사랑하세요"란 말을 가슴에 간직하면서 타인을 배려하고 도움이 필요한 이들에게 마음을 활짝 열어야 한다. 장기기증 서약서에 서명하는 쉽고 단순한 방법만으로도 누구든지 변화를 만들어 낼 수 있다. 필자는 한국사회의 이런 움직임이 세상을 변화시키는 희망의 소식이 되리라 낙관한다.
The Gift of the Cardinal
Written by Peter Jager <President of Novartis Korea peter.jager@novartis.com>
Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan passed away on February 16 leaving the last words "Thank you…Please love each other." Throughout his life,until the day he deceased,he always was a most generous man,touching the hearts of people.The ultimate 'gift of life' was the donation of his own corneas to patients in dear need of cornea transplantation.This act not only gave eye sight to at least one patient,but also reminded the entire community of the importance of organ donation in general.Despite tireless efforts by the Korean Transplant Society to raise awareness on organ donation,the topic does not get the attention it needs.Cardinal Kim realized this very well,and we are extremely grateful as his legacy will always be connected to the 'Gift of Life',and many transplant patients-to-be will owe their lives to this exemplary act.
Organized by Seoul National University Hospital,Transplantation Center,the company where I work supported a Himalaya expedition team with 10 organ donors and recipients as well as medical professionals and alpinists to climb to a Himalayan mountain during last December.Through the challenging climbing to the top of the 'Island Peak' at 6189 meters,'The Himalayan Expedition Team of Life-shared People' was determined to overcome social bias toward organ transplantation and donation.As even for healthy trained people,climbing the Himalayas can be very challenging,it was to be expected that for organ recipients,this expedition was not only unprecedented,but also a daring and risky one.Thanks to the perfect physical and mental preparation as well as the professional support prior and during the expedition,several of the group indeed could make it to the Island Peak,whereas others had to return to Base Camp.It must have been a victorious moment,on December 22, 2008,when the team planted their flag on the summit of Island Peak.They demonstrated that the social bias toward organ transplantation and donation is merely a bias and that transplant patients and organ donors are able to live healthy life.Even the medical professionals who joined the team surprisingly witnessed that organ donors and recipients are as healthy as ordinary people.Afterward,I was told that the expedition team members formed a group called 'Companions' to continue promoting organ donation and increasing social understanding of organ transplantation.
The latest figures show that today,18,000 patients are now waiting for organ transplantation in Korea.Only 20% of them can actually get a chance to receive organ transplantation,but even these patients have to wait for more than 4 years on average in fear of crisis of life and death.In Europe,including the Netherlands where I was born and grew up,the awareness of organ donation is quite high amongst the general public.Also,the procedures of organ procurement are relatively simple and well coordinated across Europe.This has led over the years to increased number of transplantations and declining numbers of patients on the waiting list in Europe.
Inspired by the success of the Himalaya expedition,I have been thinking of making a small but meaningful contributing to building up the culture of donating organs in Korea. During the expedition photo event held at Seoul Station in January,I signed up to register as a donor,taking a lead in the move that hopefully will be followed by many Korean people.
And indeed,during recent weeks,the number of people who signed to register as organ donor increased by 30 times compared to the same period last year,and active discussions are being made to simplify the procedure for organ donation,to revise the law related to cadaveric organ transplantation.
It would be a great honor to Cardinal Kim declaring February 16 as the 'Day of Organ Donation' in Korea.May this day become a beacon of hope for all those patients who are desperately waiting for a suitable donor organ.
I sincerely hope the social understanding of organ donation will receive a warm reception in the hearts of all Koreans,like the warm 'ondol' floor near the fireplace.The traditional Korean ondol floor seems to be the root of passion and energy,which is so much part of the Korean culture.
We all must take Cardinal Kim's last words to our hearts; "Please love each other"tells us that we must care about one another and open our minds to reach out to those in need in a very personal way.I am hopeful and optimistic that even in the challenging times of today's world,everyone can make a difference in a simple and easy way; by signing up as an organ donor.
지난해 12월,필자의 회사와 서울대병원 장기이식센터는 장기이식자-장기기증자 10명과 의료진,산악인이 함께 참여하는 히말라야 등정을 추진했다. 이들은 히말라야 등정 도전을 통해 한국 사회의 장기이식과 장기기증에 대한 편견의 벽을 허물고 싶어했다. 히말라야 등정은 건강한 사람에게도 쉽지 않기에,이번 원정은 세계적으로 유례없는 용감하고 위험한 도전이었다. 비록 일부 원정대원들은 베이스캠프로 귀환했지만,이들은 12월22일 아일랜드 피크 정상(6189m)에 깃발을 꽂았다. 원정대는 기증과 이식을 거쳤어도 충분히 건강한 삶을 영위할 수 있다는 것을 몸소 보여주었다. 실제로 동행했던 의료진조차 놀랄 만큼 장기 이식자와 기증자들은 정상인과 다를 바 없는 건강상태를 눈으로 확인시켜 주었다.
한국에는 지금 1만8000여명의 장기이식 대기자가 있다고 한다. 그 중 겨우 20%만 이식을 받고 있는데 그마저 평균 4년 이상 기다린 후에야 가능하다고 하니 그야말로 삶과 죽음 사이의 공포에 놓인 격이 아닐까. 필자가 나고 자란 네덜란드를 비롯 유럽에서는 한국보다 장기기증 절차가 간소하고 사회적으로 이해가 모아져 장기기증 비율이 높은 편이다. 때문에 유럽에서는 여러 해 전부터 장기이식자 수가 증가하고,이식 대기자 수가 감소하는 추세다. 그래서 필자도 한국의 장기기증 문화를 만들어가는 데 조금이나마 일조할 수 있다면 좋겠다고 생각해오던 중 지난 1월 장기기증 서약서에 서명했다.
최근 장기기증 서약자 수가 평소의 30배에 달하고,뇌사자 장기기증 간소화,장기이식 법률 개정 등의 논의가 활발하다. 여기에 김 추기경의 선종일인 2월16일을 장기기증의 날로 기념하기로 한 것은 무척 반가운 소식이다. 앞으로 장기기증의 날이 장기기증을 애타게 기다리는 환자들에게 희망의 등불을 비추는 날이 되기를 바라는 마음 간절하다. 더불어 장기기증에 대한 사회적 관심이 은근한 아랫목처럼 오래오래 타올랐으면 좋겠다. 한국 전통의 온돌방과 아랫목은 왠지 한국인이 지닌 열정과 저력의 뿌리인 것 같기 때문이다.
김 추기경이 마지막으로 남긴 "서로 사랑하세요"란 말을 가슴에 간직하면서 타인을 배려하고 도움이 필요한 이들에게 마음을 활짝 열어야 한다. 장기기증 서약서에 서명하는 쉽고 단순한 방법만으로도 누구든지 변화를 만들어 낼 수 있다. 필자는 한국사회의 이런 움직임이 세상을 변화시키는 희망의 소식이 되리라 낙관한다.
The Gift of the Cardinal
Written by Peter Jager <President of Novartis Korea peter.jager@novartis.com>
Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan passed away on February 16 leaving the last words "Thank you…Please love each other." Throughout his life,until the day he deceased,he always was a most generous man,touching the hearts of people.The ultimate 'gift of life' was the donation of his own corneas to patients in dear need of cornea transplantation.This act not only gave eye sight to at least one patient,but also reminded the entire community of the importance of organ donation in general.Despite tireless efforts by the Korean Transplant Society to raise awareness on organ donation,the topic does not get the attention it needs.Cardinal Kim realized this very well,and we are extremely grateful as his legacy will always be connected to the 'Gift of Life',and many transplant patients-to-be will owe their lives to this exemplary act.
Organized by Seoul National University Hospital,Transplantation Center,the company where I work supported a Himalaya expedition team with 10 organ donors and recipients as well as medical professionals and alpinists to climb to a Himalayan mountain during last December.Through the challenging climbing to the top of the 'Island Peak' at 6189 meters,'The Himalayan Expedition Team of Life-shared People' was determined to overcome social bias toward organ transplantation and donation.As even for healthy trained people,climbing the Himalayas can be very challenging,it was to be expected that for organ recipients,this expedition was not only unprecedented,but also a daring and risky one.Thanks to the perfect physical and mental preparation as well as the professional support prior and during the expedition,several of the group indeed could make it to the Island Peak,whereas others had to return to Base Camp.It must have been a victorious moment,on December 22, 2008,when the team planted their flag on the summit of Island Peak.They demonstrated that the social bias toward organ transplantation and donation is merely a bias and that transplant patients and organ donors are able to live healthy life.Even the medical professionals who joined the team surprisingly witnessed that organ donors and recipients are as healthy as ordinary people.Afterward,I was told that the expedition team members formed a group called 'Companions' to continue promoting organ donation and increasing social understanding of organ transplantation.
The latest figures show that today,18,000 patients are now waiting for organ transplantation in Korea.Only 20% of them can actually get a chance to receive organ transplantation,but even these patients have to wait for more than 4 years on average in fear of crisis of life and death.In Europe,including the Netherlands where I was born and grew up,the awareness of organ donation is quite high amongst the general public.Also,the procedures of organ procurement are relatively simple and well coordinated across Europe.This has led over the years to increased number of transplantations and declining numbers of patients on the waiting list in Europe.
Inspired by the success of the Himalaya expedition,I have been thinking of making a small but meaningful contributing to building up the culture of donating organs in Korea. During the expedition photo event held at Seoul Station in January,I signed up to register as a donor,taking a lead in the move that hopefully will be followed by many Korean people.
And indeed,during recent weeks,the number of people who signed to register as organ donor increased by 30 times compared to the same period last year,and active discussions are being made to simplify the procedure for organ donation,to revise the law related to cadaveric organ transplantation.
It would be a great honor to Cardinal Kim declaring February 16 as the 'Day of Organ Donation' in Korea.May this day become a beacon of hope for all those patients who are desperately waiting for a suitable donor organ.
I sincerely hope the social understanding of organ donation will receive a warm reception in the hearts of all Koreans,like the warm 'ondol' floor near the fireplace.The traditional Korean ondol floor seems to be the root of passion and energy,which is so much part of the Korean culture.
We all must take Cardinal Kim's last words to our hearts; "Please love each other"tells us that we must care about one another and open our minds to reach out to those in need in a very personal way.I am hopeful and optimistic that even in the challenging times of today's world,everyone can make a difference in a simple and easy way; by signing up as an organ donor.