< 오늘의 영어유머 > 대기업가
기사 스크랩
The legislator said that he was in favor of confining the punishment
of big businessmen to extradordinarily heavy fine.
"The last time some of them were sent to prison, they had the place
in uproar whthin three weeks. They had organized all the prisoners
and the entire prison staff into the Consolidated Penalty Company,
issued a huge amount in bonds paying 5 percent and mortgaged the jail
and the courthouse.
And when they were released they had their pockets full of surplus
funds of the company."
* in uproar : 몹씨 떠들썩하여 * bond : 채권, 사채
* mortgag : 저당잡히다
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국회의원이 대기업가에 대한 처벌은 과중한 벌금에 국한돼야 한다고 주장
"지난번 그들을 감옥에 보냈더니 3주안에 감옥이 온통 북새통이 됐습니다.
그들은 죄수들과 형무소직원들을 통틀어 합동형벌회사를 차려 놓고는 5퍼
센트짜리 사채를 엄청나게 발행하고 형무소와 재판소를 저당잡혔습니다.
그리고 석방될때 보니 회사가 남긴 돈을 무더기로 가지고 나갔지뭡니까."
of big businessmen to extradordinarily heavy fine.
"The last time some of them were sent to prison, they had the place
in uproar whthin three weeks. They had organized all the prisoners
and the entire prison staff into the Consolidated Penalty Company,
issued a huge amount in bonds paying 5 percent and mortgaged the jail
and the courthouse.
And when they were released they had their pockets full of surplus
funds of the company."
* in uproar : 몹씨 떠들썩하여 * bond : 채권, 사채
* mortgag : 저당잡히다
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국회의원이 대기업가에 대한 처벌은 과중한 벌금에 국한돼야 한다고 주장
"지난번 그들을 감옥에 보냈더니 3주안에 감옥이 온통 북새통이 됐습니다.
그들은 죄수들과 형무소직원들을 통틀어 합동형벌회사를 차려 놓고는 5퍼
센트짜리 사채를 엄청나게 발행하고 형무소와 재판소를 저당잡혔습니다.
그리고 석방될때 보니 회사가 남긴 돈을 무더기로 가지고 나갔지뭡니까."