증권사 애널리스트·IB전문가

고태봉 이사는 애널리스트의 정의를 ‘엑셀·논리·설득’ 세 가지 단어로 풀어냈다. “애널리스트는 엑셀프로그램으로 데이터를 가공하고, 이를 논리적으로 구성해 다른 사람을 설득함으로써 부가가치를 창출하는 사람”이라는 게 그의 설명이다. 그는 글쓰기와 말하기 그리고 주어진 자료를 가지고 스토리를 입혀 콘텐츠를 제작하는 능력이 중요하다고 강조했다. 고 이사는 “각종 보고서가 ‘단문화(單文化)’로 스토리가 없어진 시대가 됐다”며 “행간의 숨겨진 의미를 풀어낼 수 있는 사람이 애널리스트로 각광받고 있다”고 말했다. 고 이사는 리서치센터 입사를 꿈꾼다면 재무제표를 분석할 수 있는 실력을 쌓고 자신이 가고 싶은 기업과 금융상품 등에 관심을 가지라고 당부했다. 특히 주식 ETF(상장지수펀드)·ELS(주가연계증권) 등에도 소액 투자해볼 것을 권했다. 그는 지난해 서울 여의도 증권가에는 대규모 구조조정의 한파가 몰아쳤다며 올해도 불황이 지속될 것으로 보인다고 말했다. 고액 연봉자들이 떠난 빈자리를 메우기 위해 대졸 신입사원을 대상으로 한 채용이 진행될 것으로 전망했다.
◆8년차 여성 애널리스트
손미지 수석연구원은 “‘RA(research assistant·보조 애널리스트)’에게 필요한 것은 강인한 체력과 열정”이라고 말했다. 증권사 리서치센터 입사 2~4년차는 RA로 불리면서 혹독한 훈련을 거친 뒤 비로소 책임연구원이 된다. 매일 오전 6시에 출근해 밤샘 근무는 물론이고, ‘사수’의 기업 실적 보고서 발표 시즌에는 휴일도 반납해야 한다. 그는 “RA의 평균 30~40%는 이 과정을 못 이겨 퇴사한다”고 말했다.
여성 애널리스트로서의 고충도 털어놨다. “보고서를 쓰다 보면 밤늦게 귀가하는 일이 다반사고 실적 시즌엔 아이들과 함께하는 시간이 절대적으로 부족합니다. 증시가 어려울 땐 보고서 작성보다 영업에 더 많은 신경을 써야 하고, ‘고비용’ 조직이라는 이유로 구조조정 1순위가 되기도 합니다.” 손 연구원은 그럼에도 애널리스트는 여전히 멋진 직업이라고 소개했다. 2년 단위의 계약직이지만 30대 초반의 나이에 대기업 부장들도 부러워할 억대연봉을 받을 수 있고, 보고서를 보고 많은 사람이 투자를 하는 등 일에 대한 보람도 크다. 각자 맡은 섹터는 간섭이 적어 스스로 시간을 관리할 수 있는 것도 장점이라는 게 그의 설명이다.
◆20년 M&A전문가
“첫 직장을 IB 쪽으로 권하고 싶지는 않아요.” 박승철 부장은 가끔 기업금융 분야에서 신입사원을 채용하기도 하지만, 현장 경험을 지닌 사람이 업무 적응력이 더 높다며 이같이 말했다. 그는 “IB 업무에서는 기업 실사가 중요하기 때문에 IB맨이 되려면 기업에 대한 이해가 기본이 돼야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
IB의 주요업무는 기업의 기업공개(IPO), M&A, 대체투자 등을 지원해주는 것이다. 20년 가까이 M&A를 전문으로 해온 박 부장은 IB는 수백억원이 왔다 갔다 하는 거래를 다루지만 보수는 일반 대기업 수준이라고 했다. 하지만 “대규모 거래를 성사시키는 등 소위 ‘대박’을 터뜨리면 대기업에서 받을 수 없는 ‘통큰 인센티브’를 받기도 한다”고 귀띔했다. 그는 인센티브로 수억원을 받는 경우도 있다고 덧붙였다. 박 부장은 “IB 부서는 해외나 지방으로 1~2주 출장을 다녀오는 경우가 많고 업무상 술자리도 많아 체력이 약하면 버티기 어렵다”고 말했다.
공태윤 기자 trues@hankyung.com
The two main job of stock company, analysts and professional investors are invited to Hankyung Job concert on January 19th. Taebong Go who won 18 awards from Best Analyst Contest, and currently called as 'the legend analyst of car sector', and female analyst, Miji Son from Sinhan investment company are going to talk about the world of analyst to the university students. Also, Seungchul Park from Mire Asset who has many experience in M&A is going to enlighten those who want to become professional investor. Since we were so eager to meet them, we had a meeting prior to the job concert.
<The legend analyst of Car sector, Taebong Go>
He defines analyst as three words, excel, logic, and persuasion. "Analysts are people who are capable of processing data, persuading others logically using the data, and eventually creating customer value." It means that in order to become analysts, writing, speaking, and making proper contents with story using the given data is essential. He said "These days people prefer short version of the report. Therefore it is the analysts' duty to read between the lines and find out the hidden meaning." He added that the ability to read financial statement is also important. He insisted students keep reading current news related to the company or industry they are interested in.
He said that in order to become analyst, students should be familiar with ETF and ELS. He also recommended investing small sum for experience. When he was asked about his special tip to choose company to invest in, he said "Must keep on eye on DART and study financial statement." He said that if certain company is investing in R&D and is capable of following current trend, the company must be a good choice for investment. He is planning to talk about the hardship that he went through as an analyst.
<The life of female analyst>
She said that necessary things for RA are health and attitude. Normally, RA who works in Research center of Stock company have to endure two to four years of training before they become researcher. They should be willing to go to work at 6 o'clock and leaving their office at night everyday. They even have to work on weekends or holidays depends on their bosses' schedule. They are not allowed to live life with free afternoon hours. She said that almost 30 to 40 percent of new employees quit working because of these hardships.
At the beginning, the number of women workers in research center is the same as men. However, due to marriage and childbirth, the number of working mom decreases. "I often go home late because of all the reports that I have to write. All these overwhelming works deprive me of time with my children. Also analysts are considered as one of the highest cost employee, therefore called as cost center. When the economy is bad and the company is restructuring, we get laid off.
Even with all these demerits, she still feels proud of her job. Even though she is on two year contract, she earns hundreds or millions of won a year in early 30s. She says she feels proud of herself when people invest after reading her reports. Analysts are not team players but rather single workers, and this allowed them to plan their own schedule. She said "Whenever we make contract, the payment gets higher. But relationship with fund managers is still very important since they are the ones who decide contract extension. These days, due to low interest and aging society, 'money move' will be continued. This means that future of stock company is quite promising. She is going to talk about 'life of female analyst' in upcoming job concert.
<'M&A expert' Seungchul Park, hear of IB department>
"I do not recommend choosing IB as the first job. In order to do well in IB department, they need to see the big picture of each industry and companies." He emphasized. These days, the importance of corporate financing grows. Therefore when hiring new employees we prefer to hire the ones with experience in this field. The main jobs of IB department are IPO, M&A and alternative investment. By doing these, we help companies to make decisions about investment and M&A. He said "M&A is not easy. It is like composite art that need to make harmony between the largest stockholders and the people involved." He added IPO is rather easy when it comes to systemizing.
Even though we make hundreds or millions of won contract, payment is similar to other employees. However, we get huge bonus depends on the outcome of our work. He said that once he had seen someone getting 500million won as a bonus.
He said "IB department often require employees to go one or two weeks of business trip. Due to frequent gathering after hours, most of the employees are men. It is important to take care of health to deal with all these." He also emphasized "IB employees have to acquire expert knowledge. Also ability to speak English or Chinese is important."
Translation: Seyeon Lim(Sungkyunkwan University English Language and Literature Senior)