Rule 12 : 서술적 표현에서 주어를 변경하지 마라.

한 가지만 기억하자.

서술적 표현의 에세이에서 처음 문장을 'I'로 시작했다면 마지막 문장이 나올 때까지 'I' 로 주어를 이끌어야 한다.

뒤의 문장이 'We' 혹은 'One' 로 이어진다면 앞의 문장을 이끄는 내용과 뒤의 결론부에 나타내는 내용이 주어에 일치하지 않으므로 문맥의 흐름이 전혀 맞지 않을 수 있다.

incorrect : In my lifetime,I have seen many challenges to the principle of free speech. We can see how a free society can get too complacent when free speech is taken for granted.

incorrect : Just by following the news,you can readily see how politicians have a vested interest in pleasing powerful interest groups. But one should not generalize about this tendency.

correct : We can readily see (to agree with though we should not generalize)

correct : I can readily see (to agree with though I would not generalize)

correct : One can readily see (to agree with though one should not generalize)

필수 Idioms :

to come about : The flood came about as a result of the heavy winter rains

to bring about : The heavy rains we have each spring bring about serious flooding

to build up : The professional athlete exercises regularly to build her strength up

to die down : We let the fire in the fireplace die down and enjoyed watching the embers as they glowed in the dark

to fade away : The music of the band gradually faded away as the parade passed down the street

to die out : That strange,new style of dancing is slowly dying out

to make out : Harold,please make the check out to Acme Piano Company

to stick to : if you try hard to stick to your principles,then you'll be able to live up to them

to stand up for : Frank stood up for his friend,who was being put down by other teenagers nearby

▶ Grammar : Modifiers ARTICLES

Wrong : We went to the store and bought new stove.

Right : We went to the store and bought a new stove.

Wrong : Everyone should have a equal opportunity to get an education.

Right : Everyone should have an equal opportunity to get an education.

Wrong : They had an accident in new car they bought last week.

Right : They had an accident in the new car they bought last week.

Wrong : It is traditional to have the flowers at a wedding.

Right : It is traditional to have flowers at a wedding.

Wrong : The honesty is a virtue.

Right : Honesty is a virtue.

▶ Vocabs :

△ 탐욕스러운 (greedy,miserly,acquisitive,covetous,envious,rapacious,stingy)

△ 사교적인 (social,sociable,friendly,outgoing,affable,gregarious,amiable)

△ 무서운 (gruesome,ghastly,grim,grisly,hideous,lurid,macabre)

△ 잘 속는 (naive,trusting,credulous,gullible)

△ 어려운 (hard,difficult,arduous,trying,troublesome, laborious)

△ 건강한 (healthy,sound,strong,well,hale,hearty,robust, vigorous)

△ 답답한 (heavy,burdensome,crushing,onerous, oppressive)

△ 부주의한 (careless,insensitive,thoughtless,heedless,incautious)

△ 잡다한 (mixed,motley,miscellaneous,heterogeneous)

△ 높은 (high,elevated,lofty,tall,towering)

▶ English :

[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <45>- Take by the scruff of the neck!
Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done.

Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace.

Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I prefer to take my time and live life at a slower,less stressful pace for the following reasons; I want to be healthy and happy,I want to look younger and live longer,and I want to enjoy life.

Scientific research has shown that people who are always in a hurry have a lot of stress in their lives.

The same research has shown that stress causes illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.

If I am sick,I won't be a happy person.

I strive to be happy and healthy,so I don't want to always be in a hurry.

I prefer to slow down and relax.

Research has also shown that people who are less stressed look younger and live longer.

A body's immune system gets run down when a person is under a lot of stress.

This,in turn,makes a person look older they are less capable of fighting off diseases that may cause a person to die at a young age.

I want to reduce stress in my life by slowing down.

I believe that this will help me look better and stay around for a long time.

Finally and most importantly,I want to enjoy life.

Some of my favorite things to do are taking long walks in parks,visiting with friends and family,reading novels,and watching movies.

Activities that one enjoys can help to reduce stress in a person's life.

Such activities are time consuming.

Therefore,I need to slow down and take my time in order to live life to its fullest while doing the things I enjoy.

In short,I am a relaxed person who likes to live life slowly for the reasons I mentioned above; being healthy and happy,looking younger and living a long life,and being able to enjoy the only life I'll ever have.

▶ Korean :

나는 건강하고 싶으며,행복하고,젊게 보이고 그리고 더 오래 살며,인생을 즐기기를 원한다.

이와 같은 이유들을 위하여 내가 가진 시간들과 인생을 느긋하게 그리고 스트레스가 적은 페이스로 사는 것을 선호한다.

과학적 연구에 따르면,항상 바쁘게 일하는 사람들은 그들의 인생에서 더 많은 스트레스를 가지는 것으로 판명되었다.

또한,스트레스는 암과 심장질환 같은 질병을 일으키는 원인이 되는 것으로 나타났다.

만약 내가 병에 걸렸다면 전혀 행복하지 않은 사람일 것이다.

나는 행복하고 건강하기를 갈망하기에 항상 서두르지 않고자 한다.

천천히 일을 처리하고 여유를 가지는 것이 더 낫다고 생각한다.

연구조사에 따르면 또한,스트레스를 적게 받은 사람이 더 젊게 보이고 더 오래 사는 것으로 조사되었다.

육체의 면역 시스템은 많은 스트레스에 있는 사람에게 더 낮게 나타나는 것으로 조사되었다.

이것을 다시 말하면,스트레스는 사람을 나이가 들어 보이며,젊은 나이에 죽음을 초래할 수 있는 질병과 싸우는 능력을 현저히 감소시킨다.

나는 느긋하게 인생을 사는 것으로 스트레스를 줄이기를 원한다.

이러한 방식이 나를 더 건강하게 보이며 오랫동안 살 수 있도록 도와준다는 것을 믿는다.

마지막으로 내게 가장 중요한 것은 인생을 즐기고 싶다는 것이다.

몇 가지 내가 좋아하는 것들이라면,공원을 산책하는 것,친구와 가족을 방문하는 것,소설을 읽는 것 그리고 영화를 감상하는 것들이다.

이러한 활동들을 즐기는 사람은 그의 인생에서 스트레스를 줄이는 것을 도와줄 수 있지만 활동들은 시간이 필요하다.

그러므로,내가 좋아하는 것들을 하는 동시에 풍만한 인생을 살기 위하여 나는 느긋하게 시간을 받아들이는 것이 필요하다.

결론적으로,위에 언급한 것처럼,건강하고 행복하며 젊어 보이고 오래 살고 그리고 하나뿐인 인생을 즐기기 위한 이유들로 인하여 나의 인생을 느긋하게 사는 것을 좋아하는 여유 있는 사람인 것이다.

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